Instagram Marketing

HomeInstagram Marketing

Why Choose PAYG Instagram Marketing with Popula?

PAYG Instagram Marketing is a very quick, easy and powerful method of displaying your company on the fastest growing social media platform the world has ever seen. 

PAYG Instagram Marketing can help your online business maximize growth & efficiency for a flat monthly fee.

Over the last decade, advertisers have seen the cost of their keywords going up & up, it is very much like inflation; advertising spend with Google steadily increases as competitors up their bids, whilst profit is shrunk due to higher cost per acquisition. With PAYG INstagram Marketing we promise you a flat rate with no monthly contracts – Ever!

Please take a second to Like our FB page whilst your here to keep up with Our latest offers, and feel free to share with other business owners you think would benefit – Thank You 🙂

  • Bronze Package
  • £ 99*
    • Guaranteed 75,000 Impressions
    • Bespoke Advert Design
    • Link to Product/Service
    • Competitor Research
    • Dedicated Account Manager
    • One off setup fee
    • Email Support
  • Silver Package
  • £ 149*
    • Guaranteed 150,000 Impressions
    • Bespoke Advert Design
    • Link to Product/Service
    • Competitor Research
    • Dedicated Account Manager
    • One off setup fee
    • Email Support
  • Gold Package
  • £ 199*
    • Guaranteed 250,000 Impressions
    • Bespoke Advert Design
    • Link to Product/Service
    • Competitor Research
    • Dedicated Account Manager
    • One off setup fee
    • Telephone & Email Support

* All packages above are exclusive of VAT. At checkout, VAT will be applied. Packages are on a subscription basis unless cancelled within the first period’s cancellation window. If a cancellation is not received in this period, 30 days notice is required to cancel. All prices above can vary depending on search phrase(s) and targeted location(s).